If you’re planning to attend the Editors Canada conference (June 21–23) in Vancouver and would be interested in picking up a copy of An Editorial Cartoon in person, please fill out this form by May 25, and I’ll contact you to make arrangements.
Because I can order directly from the printer (and assuming I get enough interest to put in a bulk order), I can offer a modest discount—and of course you’d save on shipping. See the form for details!
As usual, one dollar from each copy sold will be donated to the Indigenous Editors Association.
EDIT: Some folks have also asked about getting copies of Angry Jelly Donut, Midlife, and Midlife No. 2 at the conference. I’ve added Angry Jelly Donut to the order form. I don’t have any control of the inventory for Midlife and Midlife No. 2, but I do have the opportunity to reserve copies on May 19 at our Vancouver launch, so please get in touch by May 18 if you’d like one of those books. And thank you for your support!