
Cartoon depicting several stick-figure editors gleefully dancing on a stage while a dog with floppy ears plays guitar, curly-haired editor plays piano and another editor plays upright base. It's a tribute to the dance scene from A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Creative Commons LicenseIf you’re planning to attend the Editors Canada conference (June 21–23) in Vancouver and would be interested in picking up a copy of An Editorial Cartoon in person, please fill out this form by May 25, and I’ll contact you to make arrangements.

Because I can order directly from the printer (and assuming I get enough interest to put in a bulk order), I can offer a modest discount—and of course you’d save on shipping. See the form for details!

As usual, one dollar from each copy sold will be donated to the Indigenous Editors Association.

Continue reading “Celebration”

Due diligence

Three-frame cartoon. Frame 1: A managing editor sits at his desk. Bespectacled editor is standing in his office, facing him. The managing editor says, "You barely changed anything.” Bespectacled editor says, “I suggest changes only when they’re needed. The author was clear and concise, and when I checked all the facts—“ Frame 2: The managing editor says, “And you’re invoicing for how much?!” Bespectacled editor says, “Well, as I was saying, I checked all the facts. Most of them were fine, but I did find a few inaccuracies, and I’m sure the author will appreciate—“ Frame 3: The managing editor says, “How could editing so little have possibly have taken you so this long?” Bespectacled editor, exasperated, says, “I. Checked. All. The. Facts.”
Creative Commons License

Sometimes the most important editing is invisible, even to clients.

I’ll be leading a 3-hour seminar on fact checking for Editors BC in spring 2024. It will be online—open to everyone—and include hands-on exercises. If you have any burning fact-checking questions you’d like me to answer at that session, please get in touch!


An Editorial Cartoon, a collection of the first ten years of this webcomic, is available from your favourite online book retailer. One dollar from each copy sold goes to the Indigenous Editors Association.